At Living Hope, we value relationships. The men’s ministry encourages everyone to connect with each other to build stronger relationships with God and each other. Here are some simple ways that make this happen:

Bi-Weekly Bible Study (In-person):

Every other Tuesday, we study various topics and delve into God’s Word to discuss practical applications that will impact our families, church, and communities at large.

Men’s Lunch Social:

Every few months, we organize lunch socials. One thing is for sure, men love to eat! Gathering around a table in a relaxed atmosphere is a great way to get to know each other better. We look forward to planning the next social for this fall. Stay tuned!

Communication through WhatsApp:

The men’s group attendees are given the option to participate in the conversation through this app. Typically a thought/devotion from God’s word is shared most days and our brothers share their needs and praise. Many men appreciate this contact and look forward to it!

If you would like to join our men’s group and receive group updates please fill out the form below so you can be added to the distribution list.